Et animaux petits
Branle du rat
La ronde des oursons
Petit escargot
Un ouistiti
Y’a un rat
Last updated: 3/1/2016
2:15 PM
The songs below are part of ‘Hop-là!’ The French
compiled, adapted, translated and illustrated by Dany Rosevear
To listen to music from these
songs click on O
To watch the
author sing a song click on the title at:
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games for children’ home page
© Dany Rosevear 2008 All rights reserved
are free to copy, distribute, display and perform these works under the
following conditions:
you must give the original author credit
you may not use this work for commercial purposes
for any re-use or distribution, you must make clear to others the
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any of these can be waived if you get permission from the copyright
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Branle du rat O ‘Dance of the rat’ This peasant dance was performed by young
bridegrooms to drive out the rats from under the floorboards of the house.
Played all over Find a dance at: .
Begin with two lines of dancers facing each other, stand with hands on
Citrouille O Sing fast, sing slow. ‘Inside a pumpkin’ Frog has a toothache; this song provides an
opportunity to discuss oral hygiene – if butterfly loves frog how might he
prevent her suffering? You will note genders are reversed in the English translation in order
to provide a suitable rhyme. Listen at: Children make three or four pumpkin circles, inside each stand a frog
and a butterfly. The game begins slowly and speeds up for the second part.
Coccinelle O A gentle song for quiet or calming times. ‘Coccinus’ is Latin for scarlet. Use a
search engine to find one of the many colourful pictures of the ladybird or
ladybug in the Listen at:
La ronde des oursons O ‘The dance of the little bears’ Here come the bear cubs! Be ready to
have fun. Watch young children dance at: Make a circle holding hands. Each child stands next to a designated
Petit escargot O A lovely game for the youngest, encourage a discussion about the sort
of weather that would make snail happiest and why this might be so. Listen at: Children squat down in a circle to begin.
Un ouistiti O An ‘ouistiti pygmé’
is a very tiny marmoset about the size of an adult’s fore finger. Watch at: Mime the actions of this little creature as it moves about the forest
and encounters danger.
Y’a un rat O The older version ‘Y’a un pie’ or ‘There is
a magpie’ can be traced back to at least the beginning of the 17th
century. The song recorded here is about a rat and is a scouting favourite.
Find the rat in other parts of the house. Listen at: Stand in a circle. Begin slowly and sing a little faster each time a
verse is sung.
Sing both verses twice.
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