À la ferme

Il était une fermière

Le fermier dans son pré

Quand trois poules

Rock and roll des gallinacés

Au moulin

Meunier tu dors

Tourne, tourne petit moulin


Last updated: 7/1/2014 2:07 PM


The songs below are part ofAllons-y!’ The French collection

compiled, adapted, translated and illustrated by Dany Rosevear


To listen to music from these songs click on O

To watch the author of this website sing a song click on the title at:


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Il était une fermière O


Add other rolling fruit and vegetables to the farmer’s basket: champignons / mushrooms, châtaignes / chestnuts, citrons / lemons, tomates / tomatoes.


Watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NqMp9SLvP0&feature=related





Children begin standing in a space. This song also works well as a simple circle game.















Il était une fermière,

Qui allait au marché,

Elle portait sur sa tête,

Trois pommes dans un panier.

Les pommes faisaient: rouli roula,

Les pommes faisaient: rouli roula.


It was a farmer’s daughter,

Who off to market went,

She carried on her head sir,

Three apples in a box.

The apples went: roly rola,

The apples went: roly rola,


Trois pas en avant,

Trois pas en arrière,

Trois pas sur l’côté,

Trois pas de l’autre côté!


It was a farmer’s daughter,

Who off to market went,

She carried on her head sir,

Three apples in a box.

The apples went: roly rola,

The apples went: roly rola,


Three steps straight ahead,

Three steps walking backwards,

Three steps to the left,

Three steps to the right!


Il était deux / quatre / huit / seize / number of large group fermières…etc.

Children walk freely in and out of each other holding an imaginary basket above the head.


Stop, allow arms to roll over each other first one way then the other.

Stop and jump.


Walk three steps forward.

Walk three steps back.

Walk three steps to one side.

Walk three steps to the other.


Find partners, one stands behind the other with hands on shoulders until time for rolling of arms. As pairs set off, child at the front holds a basket above the head.


Pairs join up with a second pair and continue as before.


Fours / eights double up to weave in and out of each group in line.


Finish in whole group completing actions in one large circle.
























Le fermier dans son pré O


Learning this familiar game in French should be child’s play the tune should be instantly recognizable! Introduce each new character thus: ‘Choisis la femme’ etc.

Poitou is an area in France renowned for its dairy products.


Watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFES9yWaegE


Everyone holds hands in a circle, the farmer stands in the centre.












Le fermier dans son pré,

Le fermier dans son pré,

Ohé! Ohé! Ohé!

Le fermier dans son pré.

The farmer’s in the meadow....


Le fermier prends sa femme….

The farmer takes his wife....


La femme prends son enfant….

The wife takes her child.....


L’enfant prends sa nourrice….

The child takes her nurse....


La nourrice prends le chat….

The nurse takes the cat....


Le chat prends la souris….

The cat takes the mouse....


La souris prends le fromage

The mouse takes the cheese....


Le fromage est battu,

Le fromage est battu,

Tout cru, lustucru, chapeau poitu!

They all beat the cheese,

They all beat the cheese,

Shine and sheen, please do,

Hats off to those from Poitou!

The circle walks to the left. The ‘farmer’ walks to the right. On the second verse he chooses a partner and walks holding their hand round the circle in the same direction. Eventually seven are chosen walking round the circle with hands joined.

Once the cheese has been chosen all the children VERY GENTLY pat the child’s back.









Quand trois poules O


All French children know this nursery rhyme sung to the tune of ‘Twinkle, twinkle, little star’. Name other animals each time the song is sung: chiens, chats etc or solely farmyard creatures.


Listen at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5EOtqu8wbk


Children stand in groups of three, one behind the other, spread around the room.
















Quand trois poules vont aux champs,

La première va devant.

La deuxième suit la première,

La troisième va dernière.

Quand trois poules vont aux champs,

La première va devant.

When three hens go off to lay,

It’s the first that leads the way.

Next the second comes along,

Last the third will follow on.

When three hens go off to lay,

It’s the first that leads the way.

Each line moves in and out of other trios.

The line stops, the first walks ahead then stops. The second does the same.

Followed by the third.

All walk off together.

The last then runs to the front to become the first as the game continues.






























Rock and roll de gallinacés O


Dance with a swing in the farmyard. Add groups of animals from other farm settings – field, barn etc. Replace ‘Yee!’ with suitable farmyard noises


Watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHExlMt2Nxo&NR=1


Count the animals in French. Gallinaceans are birds belonging to the order which includes ordinary domestic fowls, pheasants and partridges.



















Dans la basse-cour il y a

Des poules, des dindons, des oies.

Il y a même des canards,

Qui barbotent dans la mare.

Cot cot cot codett,

Cot cot cot codett,

Cot cot cot codett,

Rock and roll des gallinacés.


In the farmyard you can see

Many turkeys, hens and geese.

There are ducks that quackily

In our pond splash happily. …

Cot cot cot codett,

Cot cot cot codett,

Cot cot cot codett,

Rock’n roll at the jamboree.


Encourage children to make up their own dance to this lively tune, either dancing on their own, in pairs or small groups. Imitate the bird’s movements by flapping elbows and moving head back and forth.


Alternatively demonstrate some simple jive movements to dance in pairs. Animated examples can be found at: www.jiveaholic.org.uk/Constituents/booktext2.asp


























Meunier, tu dors O


A tune that alternates from stillness to frantic activity.

The youngest children might like these simpler actions: Hold hands together close to cheek. Roll forearms round each other. Whirl arms round while moving feet very quickly.

Watch a toddler moving this way at:



In a second game children sleep as a child creeps round the circle, dropping the miller’s handkerchief softly behind one of the children. At the words ‘Ton moulin, ton moulin’ all the children look behind them. The one who has the hanky jumps up gives chase round the circle aiming to catch the child before their place is taken.


For the game below split the class into pairs of millers and wakers spaced carefully around the room.




















Meunier, tu dors,

Ton moulin, ton moulin va trop vite.

Meunier, tu dors,

Ton moulin, ton moulin va trop fort.

Wake up, miller,

Your windmill, your windmill turns too quickly.

Wake up, miller,

Your windmill, your windmill turns too fast.


Ton moulin, ton moulin va trop vite,

Ton moulin, ton moulin va trop fort.

Ton moulin, ton moulin va trop vite,

Ton moulin, ton moulin va trop fort.

The windmill, windmill turns too quickly,

The windmill, windmill turns too fast.

The windmill, windmill turns too quickly,

The windmill, windmill turns too fast.


Meunier, tu dors,

Ton moulin, ton moulin va trop vite.

Meunier, tu dors,

Ton moulin, ton moulin va trop fort.

Wake up, miller,

Your windmill, your windmill turns too quickly.

Wake up, miller,

Your windmill, your windmill turns too fast.


Miller sleeps on the floor as a waker tiptoes round finger on lips.

Waker skips round miller.

Creep again.Skip round.










Waker pulls miller up to skip round on the spot; right elbows linked outside arms stretched and whirling. Repeat to the left.

Swap roles for the next game.










Miller sleeps on the floor as a waker tiptoes round finger on lips.

Waker skips round miller.

Creep again. Skip round.



















Tourne, tourne petit moulin O


A simple bedtime game that delights toddlers throughout the French speaking world with the warm affirmation ‘à bien’ – you’re doing it well!


Watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bpBd5ajXu0&feature=related


The actions below allow for greater movement than those of the more traditional finger rhyme. Begin by standing in a space.


























Tourne, tourne petit moulin,

Frappent, frappent petites mains,

Vole, vole petit oiseau,

Nage, nage poison dans l’eau.

Turning, turning little windmill,

Clapping, clapping little hands will,

Flying, flying little bird fly,

Swimming, swimming little fish by.


Petit moulin à bien tourné,

Petites mains à bien frappé,

Petit oiseau à bien volé,

Petit poison à bien nagé.

Little windmill turned well today,

Little hands clapped so well this way,

Little bird flew so well today,

Little fish swum so well away.

Roll right arm round left arm.

Clap hands.

Fly around like little birds.

Swim with big breast stokes.


Repeat for second verse.










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