La granja

Qui qui ri qui

Los pollitos dicen

Todos los patitos

Mi gallo

Miguel, Miguel, Miguel

Al pavo pavito

Patos, pollos y gallinas

Las ocas van descalzas

Los patitos

Estaba una pastora


Last updated: 8/6/2014 12:12 PM


The songs below are part of ‘‘La pajara pinta’ The Spanish collection

compiled, adapted, translated and illustrated by Dany Rosevear


To listen to music from these songs click on O

To watch the author sing a song click on the title at:


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© Dany Rosevear 2008 All rights reserved

You are free to copy, distribute, display and perform these works under the following conditions:

·       you must give the original author credit

·       you may not use this work for commercial purposes

·       for any re-use or distribution, you must make clear to others the licence terms of this work

·       any of these can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder


Your fair use and other rights are no way affected by the above.

The Spanish Collection


It is said that children who are exposed to just 50 words of a second language before to age six begin to develop an "ear" for the sounds of that language.


It is hoped that where possible these songs will be sung in their home language. An English version is provided so children can enjoy the tunes before they have mastered Spanish. Literal translations do not always make sense to the English ear so these have been translated freely (very freely in some cases!) to complement the music and capture the spirit of each song.

You will find more Spanish songs in the collection ‘Away We Go’.


Spanish pronunciation


Spoken Spanish in both Spain and Latin America is quite distinctive from spoken English. For that reason a few lyrics are accompanied by the sounds of the Spanish language. The more distinctive sounds of letters in the words of the songs are provided to aid pronunciation in the guide below. The letters not listed are pronounced approximately as in English.


a        sounds like ah (father)                                         as in madre

i         sounds like ee (feet)                                              as in mi

e        sounds like e (met) at the beginning or within a word   as in leche

e        sounds like ay at the end of a word                     as in leche

o        sounds like oa (boat)                                           as in no

u       sounds like oo (boot)                                           as in una

c        sounds like th before the letters i and e                as in cinco

cc      sounds like ks (accident)                                      as in accidente

j and g sounds like ch (loch)                                          as in juego and girafa

g        sounds like h (hallo) before the letters i and e      as in gente

ll        sounds like y (yard)                                             as in llamas

ñ       sounds like ni (onions)                                         as in señorita

qu     sounds like k                                                        as in ¿qué?

rr      sounds like a Scottish r                                        as in arroz

v        sounds like b                                                        as in vaca

z        sounds like th (thin)                                             as in arroz

h       is always silent unless the word is of foreign origin

u       is silent after g and q                                            as in ¿qué?


In Spain ‘d’ is spoken with a lisp, this is not so in Latin America.

There are many sites on line that provide help with pronunciation


Spanish punctuation


Written Spanish in both Spain and Latin America is also distinctive from written English; fewer capitals are used at the beginning of each line of verse, exclamation and question marks are used both at the beginning and end of sentences. However, for familiarity I have usually conformed to the English model when writing Spanish verse.



Qui qui ri qui O


A great song for two part singing.




Split children into two groups; cocks and the sleepyheads who crouch down spaced around the room. Cocks strut in and out of the sleepers stopping in front of one on the third line. The sleeper stretches awake and follows the cock weaving in and out of other moving pairs.

Reverse roles to play again.

















Qui qui ri qui, cantad sin fin,

Ca ca ra ca, cantad sin parar.

¡Ay! qui qui ri qui, ca ra ca, ca ra ca,

Vaya algarabía que vamos a armar.


Cock-doodle-do, cock sings and sings,

Cock-doodle-do, the dawn to us brings.

Cock-a-doodle-do, it is time to awake,

Sleepyheads arise from your beds, don’t be late.




















Los pollitos dicen O


This popular lullaby sung in Latin America can be played as an action activity.


Listen at:

















Hear the little chicks go: cheepy, cheepy, cheep, cheep,

When they get too hungry, when they feel the cold creep.

Mother hen she looks for wheat ears and some corn seed,

She will find them food and keep them warm and cosy,

Under mother’s soft wings snuggled up so safely,

Sleep my little chicklets ‘til tomorrow wakes you!

Squat down, open and close thumb and forefinger.

Rub tummy. Rub arms and shiver.

Flap wings, head bobs up and down. Peck as before.

In pairs put arms round each other.

Place hands to cheek, close eyes.



















Todos los patitos O


A couple of popular bath time nursery rhymes for those who might be reluctant to brave the water. To familiarize number names add them sequentially to this song as in ‘Five little ducks went swimming one day’.


Listen at:


Place large hoops around the room. Form lines of five to six children groups





















Todos los patitos se fueron a nadar,

Y el más chiquitito se quiso quedar,

Y el más chiquitito se quiso quedar.

All the little ducklings they went off for a swim,

The one that was smallest, refused to go in,

The one that was smallest, refused to go in,


La mama enfadada lo quiso retar,

y el pobre patito se puso a llorar! x2

Cua, cua, cua, cua!

Mother duck she scolded, she scolded angrily,

And poor little duckling he cried dreadfully! x2

Quack, quack, quack, quack!



Los patitos en el agua,

Meneaban la colita,

Y uno a otro se decían,

¡Hay que agua tan fresquita!


In the water, little ducklings,

Wiggle waggle tails a-flutter,

To each other they are saying,

It is so cool in the water!

Weave in line around the outsides of the hoops with elbows flapping.





Stand still shake finger.

Pretend to cry.





Each line goes into a hoop and waggle tails. Move hands like beaks to each other.






















Mi gallo O


This song is sung in many Latin American countries, there is also a popular French version. As an alternative to miming the actions below split the class into two halves and sing as a round in both Spanish and English.


Listen at:

Mime actions in sequence sitting in a circle.

















Mi gallo se murió ayer,

Mi gallo se murió ayer.

Ya no cantará co-co-rí, co-co-rá,

Ya no cantará co-co- rí, co-co- rá,

Co-co- rí -co- rí, Co-co- rí -co-co- rá, Co-co- rí -co- rí, Co-co- rí -co-co- rá.

My rooster died just yesterday,

My rooster died just yesterday.

Now he’ll never sing co-co-ri, co-co-ra,

Now he’ll never sing co-co-ri, co-co-ra.

Co-co-ri-co-ri, Co-co-ri-co-co- ra.

Co-co-ri-co-ri, Co-co-ri-co-co- ra.

Form a crop with hands above head. Wipe tears from eyes. Point thumb backwards.

Look sad and wave forefinger from side to side.

Open and close thumb and forefinger to the sound of the rooster.
























Miguel, Miguel, Miguel O


Get your breath back as you wait your turn. Who can jump the highest?




Make two circles, one inside the other The outer ring moves to the right for the first two lines finishing with three jumps on ‘una, dos, tres’.

On the fourth and fifth lines the inner ring circles to the left then jump three times. Continue until children tire.















Miguel, Miguel, Miguel,

Da vueltas al derecho.

¡Una, dos y tres!

Miguel, Miguel, Miguel,

Da vueltas al revés.

¡Una, dos y tres!


Charlot, Charlot, Charlot,

La gallina ha puesto un huevo,

¡Una, dos y tres!

Charlot, Charlot, Charlot,

La gallina ha puesto dos.

¡Una, dos y tres!

Michael, Michael, M ichael,

Skip right around the circle,

One, two, three!

Matthew, Matthew, Matthew,

Turn back the other way.

One, two, three!


Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte,

The hen has laid a brown egg,

One, two, three!

Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte,

It’s laid another two.

One, two, three!


















Al pavo pavito O


In the traditional Spanish children’s game the child left out is taunted with ‘Pavo, pavo, pavo’ which not only means turkey but also ‘silly’ or ‘idiotic’. This version ‘Bravo little turkey’ is a kinder one.




An odd number of children make a circle and skip briskly round to the left. At the end of the third line they stop to count ‘¡Una dos tres!’ and run to join up with a partner. The child left becomes the turkey and stands in the centre as the children sing the last line then chant ‘¡Bravo pavito pavo! The ‘turkey’ remains in the middle for the next game but chooses a partner at the end of the verse before the others make pairs so a new turkey remains.














Al pavo pavito pavo,

Al pavo pavito si,

El pavito se ha perdito,

¡Una! ¡Dos! ¡Tres!

¡Y el pavito ya está aqui!

¡Bravo pavito pavo!

Come here little turkey lurkey,

Come here little turkey yes,

Little turkey has gone forever,

One! Two! Three!

Hooray, little turkey’s back!

Cheers for the little turkey!




















Patos, pollos y gallinas O


Mime the movement of the animals below throughout the song but on each repetition cumulatively miss singing the name of each one.


Watch at: 


Spread out individually around the room.







Gallinas ...

Corriendo ...


Por el ...

Make palms open and close like a ducks beak.

Flap hands out to the side.

Flap elbows up and down.

Run around on the spot.

Hands to forehead look from one side to side.

Run on the spot with straight arms and legs.















Patos, pollos y gallinas van,

Corriendo por el gallinero están.

Perseguidos bárbaramente,

Por el patró-on, pom porom pom,

Por el patró-on, pom porom pom.

Mad ducks, chickens and the roosters go,

A-running round the chicken coop, oh no no! Round the corner chasing, well bless me,

Here comes the big boss, oh he’s so cross,

Here comes the big boss, oh he’s so cross!




















Las ocas van descalzas O


A very noisy game, see who can sing the loudest and jump the best; geese or ducks?


Make a circle, geese alternating with ducks.





Singing loudly the geese jump into the centre with elbows flapping and then back again. The ducks do the same. The second time the ducks go first.












Las ocas van descalzas, descalzas, descalzas.

Las ocas van descalzas, los patos también,

Los patos también, los patos también.


As an alternative add clothing:

Las ocas llevan zapatos.....

The geese they all go barefoot, go barefoot, go barefoot.

The geese they all go barefoot, and so do the ducks,

And so do the ducks, and so do the ducks.


The geese put on their big boots...

With familiarity other clothing can be added;

llevan medias        put on their long socks

llevan faldas         put on their full skirts

llevan camiseta     put on their t- shirts

llevan pantalons   put on their trousers

llevansombreros  put on their flat caps

then off they go a-waddling…

























Los patitos O


Learn to cooperate by synchronizing steps and move like the animals in this dance.


Watch at:  and




In a circle place hands on the shoulders of the one in front. On each ‘¡Pachín!’ move forward with first the right foot then the left. On the sung part sing and walk at the same time. When confident try moving clasping hands under the legs.

Other variations might include:

Mamá cangaru / mother kangaroo – jump forward

Mamá rana / mother frog – squat

Mamá elefante / mother elephant – heavy steps

Mamá osa / mother bear – creep on tiptoes

Mamá gusano   / mother worm – drag legs

Mamá flamenco / mother flamingo – one leg

Mamá cangrejo / mother crab – walk backwards














Que viene mamá pato, ¡Pachín!

Que viene papa pato, ¡Pachín!

Que vienen los patitos, ¡Pachín! ¡Pachín! ¡Pachín!


¡Pachín! ¡Pachín! ¡Pachín!

Mucho cuidado con lo que hacéis, ¡Pachín! ¡Pachín! ¡Pachín!

A los patitos no piséis.


Here comes mother duck, Pachin!

Here comes father duck, Pachin!

Here come the little ducklings, Pachin! Pachin! Pachin!


Pachin! Pachin! Pachin!

Be very careful of where you step,

Pachin! Pachin! Pachin!

So on those ducklings you don’t tread.
















Estaba una pastora O


A shepherdess tends her herd of goats; they provide her with milk to make cheese. She warns the watching cat not to put its paw in the cheese or it will be punished. The cat disobeys and she cuts off its tail. Some versions have the shepherdess regretting her action and replacing the tail; in others she kills the cat, so take your pick!


Listen at:




Stand in a circle and mime actions Each time ‘Larán, larán, larito’ is sung place hands on hips and swing from side to side.














Estaba una pastora,

Larán, larán, larito,

Estaba una pastora,

Cuidando un rebañito,

Cuidando un rebañito!


Con leche de sus cabras,

Larán, larán, larito,

Con leche de sus cabras,

Mandó a hacer un quesito,

Mandó a hacer un quesito!


El gato la miraba,

Larán, larán, larito,

El gato la miraba,

Con ojos golositos,

Con ojos golositos!


Si me hincas la uña,

Larán, larán, larito,

Si me hincas la uña,

Te cortaré el rabito,

Te cortaré el rabito!


La uña se la hincó,

Larán, larán, larito,

La uña se la hincó,

Y el rabito le cortó,

Y el rabito le cortó!

A shepherdess looked after,

Larán, larán, larito,

A shepherdess looked after,

Her little herd of goats- oh,

Her little herd of goats- oh!


The goats they gave her good milk,

Larán, larán, larito

The goats they gave her good milk,

With that she made some cheese-oh,

With that she made some cheese-oh!


Old tom-cat sat a-watching,

Larán, larán, larito,

Old tom-cat sat a-watching,

With sneaky, greedy eyes-oh,

With sneaky, greedy eyes-oh!


Cat, if your claws come near here,

Larán, larán, larito,

Cat, if your claws come near here,

Then I will cut your tail off,

Yes, I will cut your tail off!


Tom-cat he sunk his claws in,

Larán, larán, larito,

Tom-cat he sunk his claws in,

So then she cut his tail off,

Yes, she did cut his tail off!



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