Los pajaritos

74. Ni tú, ni tú, ni tú

75. Los pajaritos que van

76. Doña cigüeña

77. Cigüeña cigüeña

78. La pájara pinta

79. Pajarito vuela


Last updated: 9/17/2012 4:11 PM


The songs below are part of ‘‘La pajara pinta’ The Spanish collection

compiled, adapted, translated and illustrated by Dany Rosevear


To listen to music from these songs click on O

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© Dany Rosevear 2008 All rights reserved

You are free to copy, distribute, display and perform these works under the following conditions:

·       you must give the original author credit

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The Spanish Collection


It is said that children who are exposed to just 50 words of a second language before to age six begin to develop an "ear" for the sounds of that language.


It is hoped that where possible these songs will be sung in their home language. An English version is provided so children can enjoy the tunes before they have mastered Spanish. Literal translations do not always make sense to the English ear so these have been translated freely (very freely in some cases!) to complement the music and capture the spirit of each song.

You will find more Spanish songs in the collection ‘Away We Go’.


Spanish pronunciation


Spoken Spanish in both Spain and Latin America is quite distinctive from spoken English. For that reason a few lyrics are accompanied by the sounds of the Spanish language. The more distinctive sounds of letters in the words of the songs are provided to aid pronunciation in the guide below. The letters not listed are pronounced approximately as in English.


a        sounds like ah (father)                                         as in madre

i         sounds like ee (feet)                                              as in mi

e        sounds like e (met) at the beginning or within a word   as in leche

e        sounds like ay at the end of a word                     as in leche

o        sounds like oa (boat)                                            as in no

u       sounds like oo (boot)                                           as in una

c        sounds like th before the letters i and e                as in cinco

cc      sounds like ks (accident)                                      as in accidente

j and g sounds like ch (loch)                                          as in juego and girafa

g        sounds like h (hallo) before the letters i and e      as in gente

ll        sounds like y (yard)                                             as in llamas

ñ       sounds like ni (onions)                                         as in señorita

qu     sounds like k                                                        as in ¿qué?

rr      sounds like a Scottish r                                        as in arroz

v        sounds like b                                                        as in vaca

z        sounds like th (thin)                                             as in arroz

h       is always silent unless the word is of foreign origin

u       is silent after g and q                                            as in ¿qué?


In Spain ‘d’ is spoken with a lisp, this is not so in Latin America.

There are many sites on line that provide help with pronunciation


Spanish punctuation


Written Spanish in both Spain and Latin America is also distinctive from written English; fewer capitals are used at the beginning of each line of verse, exclamation and question marks are used both at the beginning and end of sentences. However, for familiarity I have usually conformed to the English model when writing Spanish verse.



74.  Ni tú, ni tú, ni tú O


Invent other games and movements in circles, lines or pairs to make the most of this cheerful two part song.


In the version below make two equal size circles, one inside the other with children holding hands in each ring. Both circles face into the centre.

Listen at:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tUBATDWQtg 

Watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jxAQ9VPYA8 




1. Circles skip sideways in opposite directions.

2. Reverse direction then stop and turn towards a partner in the other circle, match up any without a partner. On the third line hold partner’s hands and skip round on the spot.

3. Still holding hands with partner crouch down and then stretch up in time to the music. Once confident try to alternate this movement with each in turn standing up. Pairs return to the inner or outer circle and the game continues.















1. Ni tú, ni tú, ni tú,

Ni tú hermano Periquito.

Ni tú, ni tú, ni tú,

Ni tú hermano Pericón.


2. Ni tú, ni tú, ni tú,

Ni hermano Perequito.

Te néis un perrito,

Como el que tengo yo.


3. Con el alza, piripí,

Tíramela, tíramela, tíramela,

Con el alza, piripí,

Tíramela, tíramela, y ya está!

Not you, nor you, nor you,

And not even brother Parrot.

Not you, nor you, nor you,

And not brother Parakeet.


Not you, nor you, nor you,

And not even brother Parrot.

It’s you that has a dog,

Like the one that belongs to me.


And it’s up we go with a

Tíramela, tíramela, tíramela,

And it’s up we go with a

Tíramela, tíramela, that’s it!






75. Los pajaritos que van O


This action game encourages vigorous movements and challenges children to weave in and out of each other. Add other animals and their movements.


Watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Et_eeYb87XM




Imitate the actions of the animals moving in and out of the other children without touching.












Los pajaritos que van por el aire,

Vuelan, vuelan, vuelan, vuelan, vuelan.

Y los más pequeñitos vuelan,

Vuelan, vuelan, vuelan también.


Los caballitos que van por el bosque,

Trotan, trotan, trotan, trotan, trotan.

Y los más pequeñitos trotan,

Trotan, trotan, trotan, también.


Los conejitos que van por el campo,

Saltan, saltan, saltan, saltan, saltan.

Y los más pequeñitos saltan,

Saltan, saltan, saltan, también.


Los pececitos que van por el agua,

Nadan, nadan, nadan, nadan, nadan.

Y los más pequeñitos nadan,

Nadan, nadan, nadan también.

See little birds flying high in the blue sky,

Flying, flying, flying, flying, flying.

All around little ones are flying,

Flying, flying, flying so well. 


See little foals trot away through the forest,

Trotting, trotting, trotting, trotting, trotting.

All around little ones are trotting,

Trotting, trotting, trotting so well. 


See little rabbits out there in the green fields,

Jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping.

All around little ones are jumping,

Jumping, jumping, jumping so well.


See little fish swim deep down in the water,

Swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming.

All around little ones are swimming, Swimming, swimming, swimming so well.



















76. Doña cigüeña O


Learn how to hop on one foot, if that gets tired try the other one. As an extra challenge flap elbows at the same time.


Watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDCAPkJa3IA




Children sit in a circle miming the words. On the outside a leader taps two or three children who follow hopping round the outside of the circle.

Each time the song is sung new children are chosen.















Doña Cigueña, pico colorado,

Una patita se ha que brado,

Por eso camino con mucho cuidado,

Un pie el suelo y el otro levantado.

Elegant stork’s beak is so very colorful,

She has a leg that’s sore and uncomfortable,

Hobbles down the path with care, debilitated,

One foot on the ground with the other elevated.
























77. Cigüeña cigüeña O


A song sung in February when storks return to their nests.


Watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCcAUCJNlYQ&feature=related





Stand on one foot and flap elbow wings in time to the music. Write letter on hand. Hop around room. Repeat on the other foot.











Cigüeña, cigüeña,

Tu casa te se quema,

Tus hijos te se van.

Escribe una carta,

Que ya volverán.

Stork sadly, stork badly,

Your house of twigs is burnt down,

Your children all have gone.

So write them a letter,

They soon will return.





























78. La pájara pinta O


‘The colourful bird’ is a traditional game from the 17th century sung and played throughout the Hispanic world. Words vary in each country; this one is an adaptation mostly of Mexican / Cuban origins.


Also watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyZfBpt4p64




Make two circles with those in the inner ring facing a partner in the outer one. The game can also be played with pairs moving around the room.

Partners skip round to the music then mime the action of the bird and its sweetheart.

On the last line blow a kiss, wave and move right to a new partner.
























Estaba la pájara pinta,

Sentada en el verde limón.

Con el pico picaba la rama,

Con la rama picaba la flor.

¡Ay, ay, ay!


Me arrodillo a los pies de mi amante,

Me levanto fiel y constante.

Dame una mano, dame la otra,

Dame un besito y vete con otra.


Ésta es la media vuelta,

Ésta es la vuelta entera,

Éste un pasito alante,

Éste un pasito atrás,

Éste de un costado,

Éste del otro lado,

Si, si, vete con otra!

Bright bird oh so beautifully coloured,

Sits high in the green lemon tree.

With its beak watch it pick up a twiglet,

With the twiglet it picks up a flower.

Ay, ay, ay!


I kneel right down at the foot of my partner,

Then I rise up so very gently.

Give me just one hand, give me the other, Blow me a sweet kiss then fly to another.


Like this we make a half turn,

Like this we make a full turn,

This little step goes forward,

This little step goes back,

This little step goes left,

This little step goes right,

Yes, yes, fly to another!























79. Pajarito vuela O


A gentle traditional song from Mexico that makes a good calming down activity. In this follow my leader game children take turns to be the little bird at the head of the line and suggest movements or activities for each new verse.




In lines of six to ten make movements suggested by the words. At the end of each verse the leader moves to the back to be replaced by the second in line.

On the last verse each line makes a circle with the bird in the middle. The circle moves round increasingly slowly until everyone sinks to the ground and ‘sleeps’.












Pajarito vuela ,  vuela , vuela ,

Pajarito vuela tú,  vuela para mi.


Pajarito salta           hop for me

Pajarito baila            dance for me

Pajarito bata             flap for me

Pajarito patea          stamp for me

Pajarito chifla           whistle for me Pajarito duerme       sleep for me

Little birdie fly for me, fly for me, fly for me,

Little birdie fly for me, fly away with me.






















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