Els números i pedretas

Conillets a amagar

La gallina ponicana

La pedreta

La tortuga

Les pometes

Pedra, pedreta


Last updated: 13/09/2016 16:19


The songs below are part of ‘Joan del Rui’ The Catalan collection

compiled, adapted, translated and illustrated by Dany Rosevear


To listen to music from these songs click on 🔊

To watch the author sing a song click on the title at:


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Why a separate Catalan collection?


My intention in researching Catalan songs was to add just a small number to my original Spanish collection. However it was obvious from the outset that this region of Spain is a particularly rich source of wonderful music and rhythms and before long I had assembled and translated a dedicated compilation of singing games and dances.


Many of these had been accessed on the internet in the form of videos. The dances themselves should be self evident from the directions given but I would urge anyone who would like to introduce these songs in the Catalan language to classes of children to illustrate the dances using these videos as a model to copy on their whiteboards.


© Dany Rosevear 2008 All rights reserved


You are free to copy, distribute, display and perform these works under the following conditions:

·       you must give the original author credit

·       you may not use this work for commercial purposes

·       for any re-use or distribution, you must make clear to others the licence terms of this work

·       any of these can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder


Your fair use and other rights are no way affected by the above.

The Catalan Collection


It is hoped that where possible these songs will be sung in their home language. An English version is provided so children can enjoy the tunes before they have mastered Catalan. Literal translations do not always make sense to the English ear so these have been translated freely to complement the music and capture the spirit of each song.


Catalan pronunciation


Spoken Catalan like Spanish is quite distinctive from spoken English. The more distinctive sounds of letters in the words of the songs are provided to aid pronunciation in the guide below. The letters not listed are pronounced approximately as in English.


a        stressed sounds like ah (father)                                               as in pa

a        unstressed sounds like a (sugar)                                             as in porta

e        open sounds like e (met) at the beginning or within a word    as in nen

e        closed sounds like e (they) at the beginning or within a word as in llet

i         sounds like ee (feet)                                              as in nit

e        sounds like ay at the end of a word                     as in leche

o        sounds like oa (boat)                                           as in boca

u       sounds like oo (boot)                                           as in una

b       is silent after m                                                    as in amb

c        sounds like c (acid) before the letters i and e                  as in cel

ç        sounds like c (acid)                                               as in canço

g (before e and i) and j sounds like sh (vision)              as in gina jeure

g        sounds like h (hallo) before the letters i and e      as in gente

h       is always silent unless the word is of foreign origin

ll        sounds like lli (million)                                         as in llapis

p       is silent after m                                                    as in llamp

v        at the beginning of a word sounds like b              as in vi

rr      sounds like a Scottish r                                        as in carro

v        sounds like b                                                        as in vaca

s and z  sounds like z (zoo)                                            as in casa zero

u       is silent after g and q                                            as in gue qui

x        at the beginning of a word or after l, n, r sounds like sh as in xarop


There are many sites on line that provide help with pronunciations


Catalan punctuation


Written Catalan like Spanish is distinctive from written English; fewer capitals are used at the beginning of each line of verse, exclamation and question marks are used both at the beginning and end of sentences. However, for familiarity I have usually conformed to the English model when writing Catalan verse.



Conillets a amagar O


Learn to count in Catalan in this hide and seek game with one hare and a bunch of rabbits.


Listen at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO3k_3ixGcg




One child, hare, stands facing a wall with eyes covered by hands. The others, the rabbits, go off and hide.

On the last line ‘hare’ counts to. ten and asks them if they are well hidden. The aim of the rabbits is to reach the wall without being noticed and to touch the wall calling out:’One, two, three, saved’ Those spotted have their name called out and freeze. The last one hidden can ‘save’ those frozen.

The first to be found becomes the new hare in the next game.











Conillets a amagar,

que la llebre va a caçar,

de nit i de dia,

hi ha foc a la masia,



CONILLETS: Quantes hores són?

LLEBRE: La una, les dues, les tres, les quatre,l es cinc, les sis, les set, les vull, les nou, les deu!

Conillets, esteu ben amagadets?

CONILLETS: Síiiiii!!

LLEBRE: Amagueu-vos , que la llebreta ve!

Rabbits hide, hide away,

For old hare is on the hunt,

By night and by day,

In the house a light burns brightly,



RABBITS: How many hours shall we hide?

HARE:  One o’clock, two o’clock, three o’clock.... ten o’clock!

Bunnies, are you well hidden?


RABBITS: Yeees!!

HARE: Hide yourself well, here comes hare!




















La gallina ponicana O



What a wonderful creature is the hen but her nest of eggs are hidden away. Learn to count in Catalan and to keep to a rhythm going.


Watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGoxR9kECu8&feature=related


Sit in a circle with legs outstretched and toes up. Provide one child, the hen, with a drumstick or similar. In a larger circle choose two or three hens.




The designated child walks round the inside of the circle tapping (pecking) the sole of each foot gently in time to the music. Those seated slap their knee and clap their hands in sequences. The child whose foot is tapped on the last line becomes hen in the next game.










La gallina ponicana,

pon un ou cada setmana;

pon, i un, pon, i dos,

pon, i tres, pon, i quatre,

pon, i cinc, pon, i sis,

pon, i set, pon, i vuit,

pon, i nou, pon, i deu.

La gallina de la seu,

diu que amaguis aquest peu!

My hen’s such a wondrous creature,

She lays ten eggs ev’ry week sir;

She lays one, she lays two,

she lays three, she lays four,

she lays five, she lays six,

she lays seven, she lays eight,

she lays nine, she lays ten.

Can you tell me where they lay?

Hen has hidden them away!






















La pedreta O


Who has the stone? Pass a smooth round stone from one hand to the floor where it is quickly picked up by the next child. Instead of blindfolding a child could crouch down in the centre with eyes closed.


Watch at: https://vimeo.com/143134791  




A stone is passed round the seated circle to the rhythm of the music. A blindfolded child sits in the centre.

When the song stops the child who has the stone holds it wth both hands. All the others in the circle pretend to do the same.

The child in the middle guesses who has the stone and if successful, after three guesses, swaps places for the next game, otherwise everyone remains in place.















La pedreta corre i passa,

corre i passa de en ,

s`ha perdut ai quin cas!

On és ara tu diràs;

s`ha perdut, ai quin cas!

On és ara tu diràs.

Pass the stone around the circle,

Pass it round from hand to hand well,

If it’s lost you’re a tease!

Tell me where it’s hiding please;

If it’s lost you’re a tease!

Tell me where it’s hiding please!























Les pometes 🔊



This song, also called ‘El ballet del rotlletó,’ is particularly suitable for windy autumn days.


Watch at:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZttxLXfDhX8&feature=related


Make circles of six to nine children. Each child is allocated a number.




1st verse: Skip round in a circle holding hands, on the last line child nine sits down away from the circle.

2nd verse: This child and those in the circle wave their arms like branches high above their heads.

Repeat sequence above. Those on the floor clap during the first verse and child eight sits. Continue with seven, six five etc. sitting each time until only one is left and the others stand and skip round them.















Nou pometes el pomer,

de nou una, de nou una.

Nou pometes el pomer,

de nou una en caigué.


Si mireu el vent d'on ve,

veureu el pomer com dansa;

si mireu el vent d'on ve,

veureu com dansa el pomer.


Vuit pometes el pomer...


Set pometes el pomer...  


…sis, cinc, quatre, tres, dos, una...

There’s nine apples on the tree,

In our garden, in our garden.

There’s nine apples on the tree,

One has fallen to the ground.



And should Autumn winds then blow,

Setting all the apples dancing;

And should Autumn winds then blow,

Just like apples we will dance.



There’s eight apples on the tree, …


Seven apples on the tree, ...


...six, five, four, three, two, one....






La tortuga ballaruga O



Shy turtle disappears into her shell but music encourages her to come out and dance.


Watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nI1ESzRNJbg&feature=related




Use finger to count to three then dance to the rhythm of the music twirling round on ‘la tortuga ja no hi és’.

















Un, dos i tres,

la tortuga, la tortuga.

Un, dos i tres,

la tortuga ja no hi és.

Mireu com balla,

la tortuga ballaruga ballaré.

Mireu com balla,

la tortuga ballaruga ballarà.

One, two and three,

Little turtle, little turtle.

One, two and three,

Little turtle’s disappeared.

She likes to dance, she likes to dance,

She likes to dance a turtle dance.

She likes to dance, she likes to dance,

She likes to dance a turtle dance.


































Pedra, pedreta O


The youngest can simply roll dough between the hands while singing.


Listen and watch a simple game at:



Older children stand by the side of a partner in a circle.




Hold a ball of plasticene behind backs. On the second phrase bring it forward to roll between the palms of the hands in time to the music. On ‘Tirolirola’ stand back to back with partner and roll round to swap places making a new pairing.












Pedra pedreta, ben rodoneta,

tirolirola, tiroliroleta!

Stones and round pebbles, so roly poly,

Tirolirola, tiroliroboly!

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