La tardor

La castanyera

Les fulletes


M’agrada la tardor

Pet patum

Soc un bolet

Tres sis nou


Last edited: 05/07/2016 15:43


The songs below are part of ‘Joan del Rui’ The Catalan collection

compiled, adapted, translated and illustrated by Dany Rosevear


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To listen to music from these songs click on O

To watch the author sing a song click on the title at:


Why a separate Catalan collection?


My intention in researching Catalan songs was to add just a small number to my original Spanish collection. However it was obvious from the outset that this region of Spain is a particularly rich source of wonderful music and rhythms and before long I had assembled and translated a dedicated compilation of singing games and dances.


Many of these had been accessed on the internet in the form of videos. The dances themselves should be self evident from the directions given but I would urge anyone who would like to introduce these songs in the Catalan language to classes of children to illustrate the dances using these videos as a model to copy on their whiteboards.


© Dany Rosevear 2008 All rights reserved


You are free to copy, distribute, display and perform these works under the following conditions:

·       you must give the original author credit

·       you may not use this work for commercial purposes

·       for any re-use or distribution, you must make clear to others the licence terms of this work

·       any of these can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder


Your fair use and other rights are no way affected by the above.

The Catalan Collection


Catalan pronunciation


Spoken Catalan like Spanish is quite distinctive from spoken English. The more distinctive sounds of letters in the words of the songs are provided to aid pronunciation in the guide below. The letters not listed are pronounced approximately as in English.


a        stressed sounds like ah (father)                           as in pa

a        unstressed sounds like a (sugar)                          as in porta

e        open sounds like e (met) at the beginning or within a word    as in nen

e        closed sounds like e (they) at the beginning or within a word as in llet

i         sounds like ee (feet)                                              as in nit

e        sounds like ay at the end of a word                     as in leche

o        sounds like oa (boat)                                           as in boca

u       sounds like oo (boot)                                           as in una

b       is silent after m                                                    as in amb

c        sounds like c (acid) before the letters i and e        as in cel

ç        sounds like c (acid)                                               as in canço

g (before e and i) and j sounds like sh (vision)              as in gina jeure

g        sounds like h (hallo) before the letters i and e      as in gente

h       is always silent unless the word is of foreign origin

ll        sounds like lli (million)                                         as in llapis

p       is silent after m                                                    as in llamp

v        at the beginning of a word sounds like b              as in vi

rr      sounds like a Scottish r                                        as in carro

v        sounds like b                                                        as in vaca

s and z  sounds like z (zoo)                                            as in casa zero

u       is silent after g and q                                            as in gue qui

x        at the beginning of a word or after l, n, r sounds like sh as in xarop


There are many sites on line that provide help with pronunciations


Catalan punctuation


Written Catalan like Spanish is distinctive from written English; fewer capitals are used at the beginning of each line of verse, exclamation and question marks are used both at the beginning and end of sentences. However, for familiarity I have usually conformed to the English model when writing Catalan verse.



La castanyera O



Vendors selling hot chestnut from their braziers are a familiar sight in squares of Catalan towns and cities especially in the autumn and winter months.


Watch at:



Directions: Make one large circle.

1st verse: Place hands on hip and in place move rhythmically swinging from side to side. Imitate chestnut picking, high and low, place in an imaginary basket.

2nd verse: Mime dressing, stamp twice on ‘CLOC! CLOC!’ Dance round on the spot with hands together held high.

3rd verse: Face right and march round to the right slapping hands together up and down. Second time move to the left.






















Quan ve el temps de collir castanyes,

La castanyera, la castanyera,

Ven castanyes de la muntanya,

A la plaça de la ciutat.


La camisa li va petita,

La faldilla li fa campana,

Les sabates li fan CLOC! CLOC!

I en ballar sempre balla així.


Sona la música; lará lará lará,

Sona la música; lará lará ló!

Sona la música; lará lará lará,

Sona la música; lará lará ló!

Autumn’s here, it’s time to pick chestnuts,

Time to pick chestnuts, time to pick chestnuts,

I’ll sell chestnuts, picked on the mountain,

Mountain chestnuts in the town square.


See my blouse is ever so tiny,

And my skirt is like a bell swaying,

Hear my shoes go clippety clop,

Watch my feet, they’ll skip and they’ll hop.


Dance, hear the music play; lara, lara, lara,

Dance, hear the music play; lara, lara, lo!

Dance, hear the music play; lara, lara, lara,

Dance, hear the music play; lara, lara, lo!





Les fulletes O



Rub paper over the veined sides of autumn leaves with waxed crayons using a range of autumn colours. Cut around the leaf shapes and hold these when moving to the song below.


Watch at:














Les fulletes cauen, cauen,

quan arriba la tardor.

Les fulletes cauen, cauen,

quan arriba la tardor.

Leaves are falling, falling, falling,

Now that autumn time has come.

Leaves are falling, falling, falling,

Now that autumn time has come.


Ara cap aquí, ara cap allà,

Ise’n van a descansar.

Ara cap aquí, ara cap allà,

Ise’n van a descansar.

Flying here and there, swirling all around,

Gently resting on the ground!

Flying here and there, swirling all around,

Gently resting on the ground!


Stretching up high make hands flutter slowly to the ground.





Roll arms to one side and then the other.

Squat and in sleeping fashion put hands to cheek.

















L’esquirol O



A suitable song for the autumn. This is a song enjoyed by babies and toddlers; two fingers jump up the arm in time to the music.


Watch at:


Spread out around the room with knees bent and hands under chin.




Steadily jump into spaces to the pulse of the music. Pluck fruit from high up, do four more jumps then sit down to enjoy a meal in the sun.















Plim, plim, plim, plim,

salta l'esquirol.

Plim, plim, plim, plim,

i de pressa puja al tronc.


Plim,plim,plim, plim,

agafa una pinya.

Plim, plim, plim, plim,

i se la menja tot sol!

Plim, plim, plim, plim,

Watch old squirrel jump.

Plim, plim, plim, plim,

See he scampers up the trunk.


Plim, plim, plim, plim,

Watch him pick an acorn.

Plim, plim, plim, plim,

See him eat it in the sun!



























M'agrada la tardor O



A song of autumn colours.

Groc’ translates as yellow but is substituted here with action words to keep the sound short and give some variety to the movements.


Watch at:


















M'agrada la tardor,

Perquè els arbres es despullen.

M'agrada la tardor,

Virondeta virondó.

I’m very glad it’s autumn,

The trees are bare and lovely.

I’m very glad it’s autumn,

Leaves swirl and blow around.


Groc groc groc, groc groc groc,

Grogues i seques són les fulles.

Groc groc groc, groc groc groc,

Grogues, vermelles i marrons.

Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop,

Hop in the leaves so dry and yellow.

Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop,

Hop in the yellow, red and brown.

Stand in a circle holding hands high in the air. Wave them from side to side.








Hop on the spot to the cha cha cha rhythm.


Each time the song is sung substitute a new action: jump, stamp, skip.





























Pet patum O


It is autumn and the chestnut seller is out on the corner.


Watch at:




Stand in a circle next to a partner hands on hips.

Chorus: Clap own hands then those of children on either side eight times.

Second time hold hands and swing partner round to the right and then to left.

Verse: Walk four steps forwards miming actions of verse then four steps back.















Pet patum, pet patum,

Pet fa la castanya.

Pet patum, pet patum,

Foc castanya i fum.


La castanyera cou castanyes,

En un bidó foradat,

Poseu-me'n una dotzena,

En un diari embolicat.


Pet patum, pet patum....


La castanyera abrigada,

Porta un mocador al cap,

Cou castanyes i moniatos,

Per a tots els vilatans.


Pet patum, pet patum,…


La castanyera no deixa,

Que s'apagui mai el foc,

Les castanyes ben calentes,

S'han de menjar apoc a poc.


Pet patum, pet patum,…


Pet patum, pet patum,

Hear the chestnuts popping.

Pet patum, pet patum,

Chestnuts, fire and smoke.


See the old woman cook her chestnuts,

In a jerry can well holed,

Then she wraps me up a dozen,

In a strong newspaper cone.


Pet-patum, petpatum,…


The chestnut seller is protected,

By a scarf upon her head, |

She cooks chestnuts, sweet potatoes,

All the townfolk are well fed.


Pet-patum, petpatum,…


The chestnut seller does not go home,

For the fire is never off,

And the chestnuts eaten slowly,

As they’re always very hot.


Pet-patum, petpatum,…





Soc un bolet O



Another song for autumn whistled and sung beautifully by Jordi Toneti on his CD ‘El bolet petitó’. Use claves to beat out the rhythm of the chorus.


Watch at:


Stand in a circle.














Soc un bolet molt petitó,

Que ensenyo el barret,

Quan ve la tardor.


I am a mushroom, oh so small,

I put on my hat,

As autumn leaves fall.



Xim xiri viri ,

M'agrada la pluja,

Xim xiri viri ,


M'agrada el sol!

Shim shirri shibi bo,

I love the rain falling,

Shim shirri shibi bo,

I love the sunshine!

Bend knees and indicate smallness with hands.

Grow with hands leading, a cap over the head.

Hands show autumn leaves falling all around.


Turn right and march round the circle slapping hands alternately up and down.

























Tres sis nou O


Discuss how the grey squirrel has come to replace the red in this country and choose which colour squirrel should be in this song. Research the Catalan squirrel.

One child becomes squirrel and wears a tail, a scarf tucked into the waist at the back.


Watch at:




Verse 1 Children stand in a circle and clap hands as squirrel skips round the outside of the circle. On the last word ‘squirrel’ taps a child on the shoulder.

Verse 2 Squirrel continues round the circle followed by the second child. After a full circle squirrel slips into the vacated space and the second child pulls of the tail and becomes the new squirrel.














Tres, sis, nou,

Estira-li la cua, estira-li la cua,

Tres, sis, nou,

Estira-li la cua a l’esquirol.


Si l’esquirol no ho vol,

Estira-li la cua, estira-li la cua,

Si l’esquirol no ho vol,

Estira-li la cua a qualsevol.

Three, six, nine,

Pull her bushy red tail, pull her bushy red tail,

Three, six, nine,

Pull the bushy red tail of squirrel.


If squirrel is not keen,

Pull her bushy red tail, pull her bushy red tail,

If squirrel is not keen,

Pull her bushy red tail anyway.























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