Music making

Jestem muzykantem

Jestem sobie przedszkolaczek



10/02/2015 15:14


The songs below are part ofKaruzelaThe Polish collection compiled, adapted, translated and illustrated by Dany Rosevear


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To listen to music from these songs click on O

To watch the author sing a song click on the title at:


© Dany Rosevear 2010 All rights reserved


You are free to copy, distribute, display and perform these works under the following conditions:

·       you must give the original author credit

·       you may not use this work for commercial purposes

·       for any re-use or distribution, you must make clear to others the licence terms of this work

·       any of these can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder


Your fair use and other rights are no way affected by the above.

The Polish Collection


It is hoped that where possible these songs will be sung in their home language. An English version is provided so children can enjoy the tunes before they have mastered Polish. Literal translations do not always make sense to the English ear so these have been translated freely to complement the music and capture the spirit of the song.

You will find more Polish songs in Hop Skip and Away We Go


Polish pronunciation guide


Spoken Polish is quite different from spoken English. The guide is provided to aid the pronunciation of some of the more distinctive sounds in the Polish language. The letters not listed below are pronounced approximately as in English. There are 32 characters in the Polish alphabet. Stress falls on the last but one syllable.


a        sounds like ah (father)  

ą        sounds like French on

c        sounds like c (dance)     

ć /ci   sounds like ch (cello)

ch      sounds like ch (loch)

cz      sounds like ch (church)

d       sounds like d (dance) but in final position is unvoiced and more like t

dz      sounds like dz (adze) but like j (jewel) when followed by an i

e        sounds like e (met) at the beginning or within a word  

ę        sounds like French ain                     

g        sounds like g (go) but in final position is unvoiced and more like k

h       is never silent sounds like ch (loch)

i         sounds like ee (feet)                

j         sounds like y (yes)                          

ł         sounds like w (wake) but in final position is unvoiced and more like f

ń/ni   sounds like ni (onions)

o        sounds like o (gone)

ó        sounds like oo (boot)    

r        slightly rolled as in Spanish

ś/si     a very very soft sh no equivalent in English

sz       sounds like sh (ship)

u       sounds like u (duke) or as in una

w       sounds like v(vote)

y        sounds like i (ship) but harder

ź/zi    sounds like z/zh (azure)

ż/ rz  sounds like French j (Jean)


If you have a Polish parent to help you with the pronunciation you will find these songs not too difficult to learn despite the spelling!

There are also sites on line including You Tube to help you sing in the original language.



Jestem muzykantem O


A musical game played with great enthusiasm at Polish weddings. A director sings the first and every other line as the children reply.


Watch at: (no. 69 page 3) and play instruments of the orchestra at:  




Children stand in a space. Place hands on hips and sway from side to side. Point to self. Throw out hands.

Play each instrument vigorously at the end of each verse.


















Jestem muzykantem konszabelantem,

I my muzykanci konszabelanci.

Ja umiem grać.

I my umiemy grać. A na czym?

Na puzonie! Puson tata, puson tata, puson tata, puson tata, Bec!


Jestem muzykantem...

Na bębnie! On the drums!

Bumtarara, bumtarara...

Puson tata... Bęc!


Jestem muzykantem...

Na pianinie!  On the piano!

A pianino ino ino...

Bumtarara, bumtarara...

Puson tata... Bęc!

I‘m a good musician of some distinction,

We are good musicians of some distinction, / with your permission

I know how to play

We know how to play What do you play?

A trombone!  Puson tata, puson tata, puson tata, puson tata, Boom!


Other suggestions:

Na flecie! On a flute


Na trąbce!  A trumpet


Na skrzypcach! A violin


Na gitarze! A guitar






Jestem sobie przedszkolaczek O


Make a joyful communal sound by providing each child with a percussion instrument to beat out the ‘ram, tam, tam’ rhythm.


Watch at:


Stand in a space ready to move round the room in and out of others.












Jestem sobie przedszkolaczek,

Nie grymaszę i nie płaczę.

Na bębenku marsza gram,

Ram tam tam, ram tam tam.

Every day I go to preschool,

I don’t fuss, I’m always cheerful.

March around and play the drum,

Ram tam tam, ram tam tum.


Kto jest beksą i mazgajem,

Ten się do nas nie nadaje.

Niechaj w domu siedzi sam,

Ram tam tam, ram tam tam

Who is shy and who is crying?

Happy ways are well worth trying.

Better shouting ‘Yes I can!’

Ram tam tam, ram tam tam.


Mamy tu zabawek wiele,

Razem bawić się weselej,

Bo kolegów dobrych mam,

Ram tam tam, ram tam tam.

Nursery toys give lots of pleasure,

When we play with friends together,

That’s because our friends are champs,

Ram tam tam, ram tam tam.



Walk round the room and each time ‘ram, tam, tam’ is played stamp and clap three times.






Stand still and mime crying.

Continue round the room.

Stop and shout ‘Yes I can’ with hands to mouth.















Find a partner and walk around holding and swinging inside hands.




Orkiestra O


 ‘The woodland orchestra’ Identify different sounds animals make using percussion instruments. Add other sounds that different animals make.


Watch at:


Sit children in instrument and animal groups. Play as below.












Mały jeżyk na bębenku gra.

Ram tam tam, ram tam tam, ram tam tam. x2

Little hedgehog is playing on the drum.

Ram tam tam, ram tam tam, ram tam tam. x2


Na grzechotkach grają misie dwa.

Szu szu szu, szu szu szu, szu szu szu. x2

Rattlesnake plays music with two bears,

Shu shu shu, shu shu shu, shu shu shu.  x2


Szary zajac na talerzach gra.

Bum ta ra, bum ta ra, bum ta ra. x2

Old grey hare is playing on the plates,

Bum ta ra, bum ta ra, bum ta ra. x2


Młody dzięcioł w drzewo stuka tak

Stuku puk, stuku puk, stuku puk. x2

Woodpecker is tapping just like this,

Rat-ta-tat, rat-ta-tat, rat ta tat. x2


Już orkiestra rytm ten dobrze zna.

Ram tam tam, ram tam tam, ram tam tam. x2

Our orchestra can play this rhythm well.

Ram tam tam, ram tam tam, ram tam tam. x2

Drums beat in rhythm: ti ti ta ti ti ta ta ta ta.



Shakers beat in rhythm: ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti.




Cymbals beat in rhythm: ta-a-a-a ta-a-a:.




Claves beat in rhythm: ta-a-a-a ta-a-a-a


All beat own rhythms in unison.








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