
Dwa malutkie misie

Misia A Misia B

Nazywają mnie poleczka

Spacer po dywanie

Tańcowały dwa Michały

Tańczą pajacyki


16/06/2015 13:50


The songs below are part ofKaruzela’ The Polish collection compiled, adapted, translated and illustrated by Dany Rosevear


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To listen to music from these songs click on O

To watch the author sing a song click on the title at:


© Dany Rosevear 2010 All rights reserved

You are free to copy, distribute, display and perform these works under the following conditions:

·       you must give the original author credit

·       you may not use this work for commercial purposes

·       for any re-use or distribution, you must make clear to others the licence terms of this work

·       any of these can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder


Your fair use and other rights are no way affected by the above.

The Polish Collection


It is hoped that where possible these songs will be sung in their home language. An English version is provided so children can enjoy the tunes before they have mastered Polish. Literal translations do not always make sense to the English ear so these have been translated freely to complement the music and capture the spirit of the song.

You will find more Polish songs in Hop Skip and Away We Go


Polish pronunciation guide


Spoken Polish is quite different from spoken English. The guide is provided to aid the pronunciation of some of the more distinctive sounds in the Polish language. The letters not listed below are pronounced approximately as in English. There are 32 characters in the Polish alphabet. Stress falls on the last but one syllable.


a        sounds like ah (father)  

ą        sounds like French on

c        sounds like c (dance)     

ć /ci   sounds like ch (cello)

ch      sounds like ch (loch)

cz      sounds like ch (church)

d       sounds like d (dance) but in final position is unvoiced and more like t

dz      sounds like dz (adze) but like j (jewel) when followed by an i

e        sounds like e (met) at the beginning or within a word  

ę        sounds like French ain                     

g        sounds like g (go) but in final position is unvoiced and more like k

h       is never silent sounds like ch (loch)

i         sounds like ee (feet)                

j         sounds like y (yes)                          

ł         sounds like w (wake) but in final position is unvoiced and more like f

ń/ni   sounds like ni (onions)

o        sounds like o (gone)

ó        sounds like oo (boot)    

r        slightly rolled as in Spanish

ś/si     a very very soft sh no equivalent in English

sz       sounds like sh (ship)

u       sounds like u (duke) or as in una

w       sounds like v(vote)

y        sounds like i (ship) but harder

ź/zi    sounds like z/zh (azure)

ż/ rz  sounds like French j (Jean)


If you have a Polish parent to help you with the pronunciation you will find these songs not too difficult to learn despite the spelling! There are also sites on line including You Tube to help you sing in the original language.



Dwa malutkie misie O


‘Two little bears’, another bear song for the youngest. A flight of the imagination to provide rhyming couplets. If sung in English each new pair of bears entering the ring choose the colour of their pyjamas.


Hear at: or


Children make a circle with two bears holding hands in the middle.
























Dwa malutkie misie,

chcą potańczyć dzisiai,

Hopsa, hopsa, dana, dana,

tańczą misie dziś od rana,

Dwa malutkie misie,

tańczą z nami tak.

Two small bears are dancing,

Early in the morning,

Hopsa, hopsa, dana, dana,

Dancing bears in pink pyjamas,

Two small bears are calling,

 “Join us in our dance”.

The circle moves round to the left as the bears skip in the centre.

The children in the circle clap as the bears hop and swing their feet first one way then the other as in A.

The bears choose new partners from the circle and skip round with them before joining the circle for the next game.

The new partners become the two small bears in the next game.

























Misia A Misia B O


Time to play with the bears and their fun activities. Lazing can come later when the exhaustion sets in.


Listen at:


Children stand in a circle holding hands next to a partner. Skip round to the music before the first verse and between verses.





























Misia A Misia B, Misia Kasia konface

Misia A Misia B kto się dzisiaj bawić chce...

One bear here, one bear there, dancing bears

are everywhere,

One bear here, one bear there, watch them play without a care.


Piękna jest pogoda, w domu siedzieć szkoda,

Chodźmy na podwórko pobawimy się.

Piłeczkę weźmiemy w gumę poskaczemy,

Trochę odpoczniemy jeśli tylko chcesz.

Outside it’s amazing, inside we’re just lazing,

Off into the backyard run, we want to play.

Take a ball for kicking and a rope for skipping,

If you’d like a little rest you have all day.

Misia A Misia B ... x2

One bear here... x2


Piękna jest pogoda, w domu siedzieć szkoda,

Chodźmy na podwórko pobawimy się.

Trochę pobiegamy, kwiatków nazrywamy,

Dla kochanej mamy jeśli tylko chcesz.

Outside is amazing, inside we’re just lazing,

Off into the backyard run, we want to play.

First we'll run for hours, then we’ll gather flowers,

But we only want to if you’d like the same.

Misia A Misia B ...x2

One bear here...x2


Piękna jest pogoda, w domu siedzieć szkoda,

Chodźmy na podwórko pobawimy się.

Ptaszków posłuchamy, w berka też pogramy,

Trochę pośpiewamy jeśli tylko chcesz.

Outside is amazing, inside we’re just lazing,

Off into the backyard run, we want to play.

To the birds we’ll listen, play tag, do a backspin,

If you’d like to sing and dance then dance away.

Misia A Misia B,...x2

One bear here...x2

Face partner, clap own hands then partner’s hands eight times. Second time turn to face child behind and repeat sequence.


Return to first partner hold hands and skip on the spot.




























Nazywają mnie poleczka O


Words: Maria Terlikowska  Music: Lech Miklaszewski


Watch at:


Stand in pairs, holding hands and facing anticlockwise.



















Nazywają mnie Poleczka,

Umiem skakać jak piłeczka.

Bardzo, bardzo jestem skoczna,

A jak skoczę to nie spocznę.

Poleczka you’ll hear them call me

Like a ball I bounce so boldly.

I am very, very lively,

Never will you find me resting.


Hop, hop, tra, la, la, kto zatańczy tak jak ja?

Hop, hop, tra, la, la, kto zatańczy tak jak ja?

Hop, hop, tra, la, la, who is dancing just like me?

Hop, hop, tra, la, la, who is dancing just like me?


Noga lewa, noga prawa,

Raz do roku jest karnawał.

Teraz wszyscy do kółeczka,

Poprowadzi nas poleczka.

First the left leg, then the right leg,

Once a year in fun united.

Round in circles so excited?

Who will lead us on - Poleczka.


Hop, hop, tra, la, la, kto zatańczy tak jak ja?

Hop, hop, tra, la, la, kto zatańczy tak jak ja?

Hop, hop, tra, la, la, who is dancing just like me?

Hop, hop, tra, la, la, who is dancing just like me?


Dziś w przedszkolu śmiech i tańce,

Tańczą różne przebierańce.

Każdy przebrał się inaczej,

Ten obraca się, ten skacze.

Everyone here laughs and dances,

Fancy dress we know entrances.

Everyone in different outfits,

Turn around and then we’re jumping.


Hop, hop, tra, la, la, kto zatańczy tak jak ja?

Hop, hop, tra, la, la, kto zatańczy tak jak ja?

Hop, hop, tra, la, la, who is dancing just like me?

Hop, hop, tra, la, la, who is dancing just like me?

Skip round the circle.








Turn to face partner. Jump twice, clap three times and holding partner’s hands skip round to the left. Repeat the movements once again.


With partner place left then right foot forward then skip round.

Reform large ring and skip to the left.





Jump twice and clap three times. Turn round and stamp three times. Repeat the movements once again.



Hold hands in a big circle and skip sideways to the right.

Turn around and jump twice.




Jump twice, clap three times and holding hands skip round to the left. Repeat the movements once again.





Spacer po dywanie O


Don’t pay attention to the weather outside, inside it is snug and cosy and there is plenty of fun to be had. Words: D.Gellner Music: K. Kwiatkowska


Listen at:


In a circle stand in pairs, holding hands and facing anticlockwise.




















Kiedy niebo płacze, idziemy na spacer,

Dookoła stołu, z piosenką wesołą.

When the rain is pouring, it’s time to go walking,

All around the table, our singing delightful.


Idą parami lalki z misiami,

Depczą dywan, depczą dywan z frędzelkami!

Idą parami lalki z misiami,

A gumowe piłki dwie po podłodze toczą się!

In pairs together, walk dolls and teddies,

On the carpet, dear old carpet, tasseled and frayed!

In pairs together, walk dolls and teddies,

Watch a rubber ball or two, bouncing up and down for you!


Gdy za oknem dmucha, nikt wiatru nie słucha,

Chodzi dookoła wycieczka wesoła.

Outside wind is blowing, but no one is listening, Tripping round so blithely, untroubled and lively.

Walk cheerfully round the circle swinging outside hands.





Stamp feet in time with the music.

Walk round as before.

Place hands on hips bounce up and down and round on the spot..







Repeat as in the first verse.







Tańcowały dwa Michały O


‘Two Michaels dancing’ first together and then alone. In the original poem by Julian Tuwim 1938 big Michael pushes little Michael over.


Watch at:


Children, stand in pairs holding hands. One of child plays big Michaly the second the small one.















Tańcowały dwa Michały,

Tra ra ra, ra, ra.

Jeden duży, drugi mały,

Tra ra ra, ra.

Two young Michaełs dance and jiggle,

Tra la la, la la.

One is big and one is little,

Tra la la, la.


Jak ten duży zaczął krążyć,

Tra ra ra, ra, ra.

To ten mały nie mógł zdążyć,

Tra ra ra, ra.

Big one skips around the middle,

Tra la la, la la.

Small one makes a little twiddle,

Tra la la, la.


Repeat 1st verse


Tak tańcują dookoła,

Tra ra ra, ra, ra.

Aż im pot się leje z czoła,

Tra ra ra, ra

Small one dances round the other,

Tra la la, la la.

Getting really hot and bothered,

Tra la la, la.

Dance around in place.









Small Michael skips round on the spot, big M skips around ‘him’.







As in first verse.


Reverse roles in second verse.





Tańczą pajacyki O


Dance energetically with the toys. Show children how a puppet might dance with floppy arms and legs.


Watch at:


Stand in a space near a partner. Second time find a different partner.



















Tańczą pajacyki, hip, hop, hopla, hop,

Tupią im buciki, hip, hop, hopla, hop.

Obracają się w kółeczko, hip, hop, hopla, hop.

Na śniadanie piją mleczko, hip, hop, hopla, hop.

Puppet clowns are dancing; hip, hop, hopla, hop,

Stamping boots are marching; hip, hop, hopla, hop.

Watch them turn round without blinking; hip, hop, hopla, hop,

For their breakfast milk are drinking; hip, hop, hopla, hop.


Bawią się z misiami, hip, hop, hopla, hop,

Tańczą z laleczkami, hip, hop, hopla, hop,

A wieczorem zasypiają, cii, cii, cicho, cii,

Wesołe rano wstają, hip, hop, hopla, hop.

Teddy bears are prancing; hip, hop, hopla, hop,

Dolls join in the dancing; hip, hop, hopla, hop.

In the evening watch them sleeping; shh, shh, shh, shh, shh,

From their beds they wake up leaping; hip, hop, hopla, hop.


Make up a puppet dance.

Stamp feet.

Skip round on spot.

Mime drinking milk.








Find a partner and dance round first one way and then the other.

Drop down and sleep.

Jump up and dance round with partner.



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